POST 12: SPACES & EXCHANGES - Exchanges in Real Spaces & Virtual Spaces: Two cartoons

POST 12: SPACES & EXCHANGES - Exchanges in Real Spaces & Virtual Spaces: Two cartoons

A real space is somewhere physicall that can be placed geographically. And a virtual space exist thanks to technology, that allows us to communicate with others without seen them,  we can tranfers thing, like ideas, money , music...

But how far is the boundary between real and virtual spaces becoming increasingly blurred nowadays?

This satiric cartoon is draw by Harvey Schwadron, 
then we can see a man looking up inside the shop's window. In this window we can see a panel that says:" Ace Computers" and under in a billboard says:" eco-tourists" would "travel and add to pollution while they could stay home and visit exotic travel web sites!
The cartoonist has decided  to include in his draw little details, like a car,a rubbish can...
 who has some importance in the meaning of the cartoon.

Ecotourism is a form of tourism involving visiting fragile, pristine, and relatively undisturbed natural areas, intended as a low-impact and often small scale alternative to standard commercial mass tourism. The billboard show that thanks to the internet we can just "visit" everywhere in our laptops in just a"click"
We can go to Mallorca, or travell the world and go to Mexico or Canada without leaving your sofa. Because pollution is a big problem who has gotten worse. Planes and tourism in general is very contaminating.
And this ironic cartoon shows the problem will maybe have in some years, and the problem we will have, the limit of reality and technology.

We can place this cartoon in the notion SPACES ANG EXCHANGES.
Thanks to the exchange of tourist to one destination to another, and the solution to the pollution, the new eco-tourism, stay at home and watch the city through your computer, a virtual space.

This second cartoon called Working from Home by Mark Dubovsky.
We can see two empty chairs and desks, then two computers with a face of a man in each one of the computers. Under the cartoon a there is a small dialogue between the two mens, who seems co-workers. One says:" Hey Greg, you gonna be at work today?" and the other one answers:" No man. Working from home. You?"

They are doing teleworkingthe use of home computers, telephones, etc, to enable a person to work from home while maintaining contact with colleagues, customers, or a central office
Also called:telecommuting

Nowadays, thelecommuting is more and more normal. We can almost do everything we want thanks to the internet and our computers or cellphones, we can shop, listen to music, and now even work.In some futute we can imagine that we wi'll becom less social, and maybe live like we're doing right now with the quarantine.

We can conclude by saying that the diference between spaces, real and virtual is not that clear. Now been social is an option, people can be in two places at the same time, and that in my opinion is a positive aspect. On the other hand I think that people get more lazy and  they lose their sense of curiosity by being without contact with nature or people


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  2. CARTOON 1
    Description 02/03
    Meaning 03/04
    Description 2,5/03
    Meaning 03/04
    Link with Notion = Key Issue 4,5/06

    OVERALL MARK: 15/20
    A good job overall. The two cartoons are fully understood and the link with the notion well explained overall.
    Unfortunately, the same technical problem as ever does not allow for an easy read of your blog post. This technical issue should have been fixed a long time ago.


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