Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. The disease was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan , the capital of China's Hubei province, and has since spread globally, resulting in the ongoing 2019/20 coronavirus pandemic. As of 29 April 2020, more than 3.11million cases  have been reported across 185 countries and territories, resulting in more than 217.000 deaths. More than 932,000 people have recovered.
Common symptoms include fever, cough, fatigue,shortness of breath and loss of smell.
The virus is primarily spread  between people during close contact, often via small droplets produced by coughing, sneezing, or talking
In my opinion the Covid, asn't only caused many deaths and infections, but it also affects peoples mental health because we have to stay at home, "loockdown" and staying at home this long, and working at home throught computers, and doing facetime to see our friends,and it isn't good for us.

The Other COVID-19 Crisis: Mental Health.

Respondents who said their mental health had declined were asked what things had had the biggest impact on that decline. The top five reasons were:
  • More anxiety (24.0%)
  • More stress (20.1%)
  • Worry about losing their job (14.2%)
  • Being less busy (8.6%)
  • Challenges of working from home (8.5%)
StressStress has increased for the vast majority of people since the COVID-19 outbreak: 65.9% of people report higher levels of stress since the outbreak, while only 8.2% say their stress levels have declined.
When asking what is contributing most to their increased stress levels, people listed the following:
  • Contracting COVID-19
  • Financial pressure
  • Being stuck at home
  • Loneliness / social isolation
  • Fears about job security
Anxiety: Anxiety has increased for the majority of people since the COVID-19 outbreak: 57.2% of people report higher levels, and only 6.9% say their anxiety levels have declined. 
79.5% of those newly homeschooling their children report increased anxiety since the outbreak compared to 53.9% amongst other parents.

Mental health challenges manifest in a
 number of interrelated ways. More than
 half of people say they are more emotionally exhausted, feel increased sadness, 
or are more irritable.

Being at home locked up living in a confined space that we were not used to, working from the computer and being distanced from people who are not our families. Our mental health is affected. Even if we are very positive.

In my opinion, the COVID-19 pandemic illustrates the two terms of the notions; Spaces and Exchanges. This gives way to more and more virtual spaces. People need to be entertained, keep doing physical activity, keep in touch with friends and family, do some crafts. We need contact from others humans, that's why we echange information with our relatives about our day, and share information that concern us.We still have to stay motivate, even though for some people it's hard because maybe some family menber may be sick. Or they have a lot of work to do in theirs computer and they aren't used to do it this new way.On the other hand the wat the virus expands is by the exchange of mouvement, of talks, crowds... in summary the exchange pf people. If one person infected goes out, all the people around him take the risk of infection


  1. Only the last part of the post is truly personal.
    The rest is copied and pasted.
    It is a real pity because you picked very interesting documents to illustrate the issue.
    You should have summarized / analyzed them IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
    ===> UNMARKED


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